When PFLAG founder Jeanne Manford marched with her gay son, Morty, in New York City’s Christopher Street Liberation Day March in 1972--and held the first peer support meeting less than a year later--she could scarcely have imagined how much larger the organization would become, the number of lives PFLAG would touch, or the many ways--or to the many people across the country and around the world--support would be offered.
For over four decades, PFLAG has provided support to families and allies who are in need, through peer-to-peer meetings, online outreach, and telephone hotlines. PFLAG National also offers a huge variety of resources and programs that provide support for those in need.
For peer-to-peer support services in your community, please contact PFLAG Blairsville for support or join us in our monthly support groups.

Blairsville Support Group
Every Second Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm.
Mark your Calendar for 2019:
September 8th
October 13th
November 10th
December 8th
Mark your Calendar for 2020:
January 12th
February 9th
March 8th
April 12th
May 10th
June 14th
July 12th
August 9th
Dahlonega Support Group
Every Third Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm.
Mark your Calendar for 2019:
September 15th
October 20th
November 17th
December 15th
Mark your Calendar for 2020:
January 19th
February 16th
March 15th
April 19th
May 17th
June 21st
July 19th
August 16th
For more information call (706) 389-5269 or email [email protected]