PFLAG Blairsville has made great strides in the past years. Our small organization is making an impact in the North Georgia Mountains, working hard to offer support, advocacy and education in our community. We are now ready for our next big step.
At a board meeting in 2015, members were discussing funding priorities. It was agreed PFLAG Blairsville is ready to offer a scholarship. The unanimous choice of name was The Sandy Lane Scholarship. This small group owes much to Sandy, without her PFLAG Blairsville would not exist. She has worked tirelessly for PFLAG since 1993, beginning in New Mexico. When Sandy and her husband Tom moved to Blairsville in 2003, she remained a PFLAG member-at-large. Sandy continued to answer calls providing comfort, resource advice and acceptance to our local LGBTQ community. As calls increased it became evident that North Georgia needed a PFLAG chapter. With the help of a small group of faithful volunteers, PFLAG Blairsville was born.
In 2016 The Sandy Lane Scholarship was born. With help from generous donors, we are able to offer a scholarship in the amount of $1,000.00 to a graduating senior. The board may also consider other worthy applicants already enrolled in college or technical school. This scholarship will reward an outstanding LGBTQ student or straight ally and encourage them to pursue post-secondary education.
PFLAG Blairsville has many amazing people who support our efforts. People who quietly pass along our information to those in need, donate when able and others who attend our meetings to offer love and acceptance to those who attend seeking comfort. Please know you are loved and appreciated. Your support of our scholarship is also appreciated. Please pass the word along and let potential applicants know when details are released. Together we will bring a positive change to our community one PFLAGer at a time.
If you would like to make a donation using your Credit or Debit Card securely via PayPal, please click on the donate button below or you can mail a check or money order to PFLAG Blairsville, PO Box 1051, Blairsville, GA, 30514.